Rating: 5 happy chickens.
"This book is special, cause we not eat animals!
We love cows, we don't eat em'
If I saw a cow, he wouldn't bite me. He don't!
I'd really like to hug him.
There are sad chickens and sad pigs and sad ducks
But they wouldn't be so sad if we don't eat them.
It's my job...
My job is to not eat them."I think she said it best.
This is a great book. It's about time a kids book about being vegan came out that isn't over the top, that isn't too schmultzy and at the same time is straight to the point.
We plan on buying this book a few times over. It would be very helpful to donate to a classroom for a teacher to better understand and for other kids to better understand why it is WE don't eat animals, they can decide for themselves if it's something they're going to do or not do. But WE don't eat animals and this book represents several reasons why.
The illustrations are very darling and I would love to have some of the prints (of the happy animals) in Izze's room.
I would give this book a lot more than 5 happy chickens! More like 100!